Home - INSPECTION BODY - Inspection of Petroleum Products
From 24.02.2019, under Law no. 461 of 30.07.2001 regarding the market of petroleum products, all petroleum products, before being placed on the market, must be subject to inspection. According to the GD no. 1116 of 22.08.2002 regarding the approval of the Regulation regarding the storage and wholesale, through automated system, of the identified petroleum products, the inspection of the petroleum products must be carried out by an inspection body accredited by the National Accreditation Center MOLDAC and recognized by to the regulatory body.
In this way, on 25.02.2019, the Inspection Body was accredited, and on 04.03.2019 it was recognized by the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, becoming the first and only accredited and recognized Inspection Body in the Republic of Moldova.General inspection procedure:
1. Submission of the application and related documents (application form .pdf / .doc, model)The application is submitted at the office of the Inspection Body, Chisinau mun., Melestiu str. nr. 22A, or it can be transmitted by e-mail - office@ctsic.md.
2. Consideration of documents
Analysis of the presented set of documents.3. Sample selection
The samples are taken at the border crossing points or by the mobile team in other locations.4. Sending samples to the testing laboratory
The samples of petroleum product are transmitted to the technological chemical laboratory for testing5. Analysis of the test report
The analysis of the test report, received from the Chemical-technological laboratory, is performed.6. Decision-making
Based on the analysis of the documents, a decision is made to issue or refuse to issue the Inspection Report.7. Issuance of a final Act
An Inspection Report is issued in case of a positive inspection result.List of customs posts for sampling petroleum products
Based on the Government Decision no. 476 of 17.04.2002 for the approval of the Regulation on the mode of transport of imported petroleum products (p. 10), the samples for the control of the quality of the petroleum products are taken at the following crossing points when entering the customs territory of the Republic of Moldova:- crossing point - Ocniţa (railway)
- crossing point - Leuseni (auto)
- crossing point - Ungheni (railway)
- crossing point - Giurgiuleşti (river, railway)
- crossing point - Otaci (auto)
The placing on the market of petroleum products is carried out in accordance with Government Decision no. 1117 of 22.08.2002 on the approval of the Regulation of retail sale of petroleum products.
The Mobile Team of petroleum product samplers
The mobile teams are made up of laboratories-collectors of petroleum products (PP), within the Inspection Section of Petroleum Products (IPP).
The main purpose of the Mobile Teams (MT) is to ensure the operability of the move to the place of PP storage or to the border crossing points, where there are no permanent samplers. The task of MT is identification of PP, sampling of PP, and also at the request of the client, determination of mass of PP.
MT have the necessary equipment to perform the work on the sampling and determination of mass of PP.
The sample collectors are instructed in accordance with internal procedures and standards for sampling, as well as in accordance with methods for determining the mass of PP used by the section of the Inspection of Quality of Petroleum Products.
Thus, the MT can move operatively, at the client's request and at the place indicated by the client.Constitution of the Republic of Moldova
Law on the petroleum products market
Government Decision no. 1116 of 22.08.2002 on the approval of the Regulation regarding the storage and wholesale, through automated system, of the identified petroleum products
Government Decision no. 476 of 17.04.2002 for the approval of the Regulation on the mode of transport of imported petroleum products
Government Decision no. 1117 of 22.08.2002 on the approval of the Regulation for the retail sale of petroleum products