Home - CERTIFICATION - System Management (SM)
Strategic policy of the Body for Certification of Highly Hazardous Products (OC PGSP) "Technical Center for Industrial Safety and Certification" is to maintain and continuously improve its activities and the process of providing services in order to demonstrate that the certification body maintains its position as a third party by applying a consistent and reliable certification process, promoting its recognition at the national and international level, and thereby facilitating trade in the domestic and foreign markets . The certification body at all structural levels concentrates its efforts to ensure customer satisfaction with the fulfillment of its requirements, but not contrary to the current legislation and regulatory documentation.
OC PGSP sets the following objectives:
- Improving the performance of certification processes in accordance with SM EN ISO/CEI 17065:2013, SM SR EN ISO/CEI 17067:2014 and the Law on accreditation and conformity assessment activities no. 235 of 01.12.2011 with amendments;
- Extension / restriction of the accreditation field;
- Application of technical regulations depending on the forms of their implementation. Maintaining and improving certification procedures in order to provide high quality certification services and at the highest level;
- The analysis and correct determination of the methods of remedying the submitted complaints;
- Prevention and minimization of risks, which may cause non-conformities in areas where they are repeated periodically;
- Systematic monitoring of the stage of carrying out corrective and preventive actions;
- Continuous improvement and sustainable development of the Management System implemented in the OC PGSP;
- Awareness and involvement of OC PGSP employees in the operation of the applied Management System;
- Continuous analysis of the activity of the OC PGSP, conducting internal audits including on-site monitoring, performing corrective actions on MS improvement;
- Providing information to customers via the www.ctsic.md;
- Continuous training and evaluation of staff to ensure their qualification at the required level;
- Continuous external training and internships;
- Collaboration with other Certification Bodies with tangent domains of the OC PGSP;
- Making material resources efficient and useful, depending on the needs;
- Objective remuneration of OC PGSP employees in accordance with the works performed;
- Identifying the requirements and needs of the direct clients of the OC PGSP, as well as ensuring and evaluating their level of satisfaction;
- Respecting the ethical norms and moral principles in the communication with the clients and between the collaborators of OC PGSP.
- Ensuring access to certification services for all applicants whose activities are covered by its field of activity, regardless of the volume of products declared by the client or membership in any organization or group, the number of certifications already issued and financial or other conditions unjustified nature.
The OC PGSP Performance Indicator Policy is considered to be valid for the long term, as it meets the requirements of a certification body, which maintains a third party position and is impartial and objective in its activities.
Achieving the above objectives will guarantee common success, as well as the functioning of the process of assessing the conformity of products with a high degree of danger.To ensure the impartiality of the certification activities, the OC PGSP guarantees that:
- Will not be the designer, manufacturer, installer, distributor or responsible for the maintenance of the certified product;
- Will not offer or provide advice to its clients (regardless of the field);
- Will use personnel who are not subject to any financial, administrative or other restrictions that may affect them to act impartially, without having a personal interest in certification.Prepared:
Responsible for SM
date 06.10.2021Approved:
Head of OC PGSP
date 06.10.2021The System Management Manual (SMM) should be used by the senior management and personnel of Certification Body (CB).
The provisions of the SMM are to be applied for all branches of the CB and are binding for its entire personnel starting with the approval date.
Original copy of the SMM should be held by the Responsible for the System Management who should also have a working electronic copy necessary to bring amendments, if necessary.
The System Management Manual Structure
SMM is drafted in compliance with SM EN ISO/CEI 17065 standard (Assessment of conformity. Requirements for products, processes and services certification authorities) and SM SR EN ISO 9001 standard (Quality management systems. Requirements)
Drafting, approval and management of the SMM
SMM is the key document for application of the system management (SM).
SMM describes:
- abilities of the CB to render conformity assessment services;
- methods applied for drafting, implementation, maintaining and developing the system management;
- policies and objectives;
- general directions for CB organization, including competences, authority and independence of CB's personnel which initiates, performs, controls and approves the activities impacting the quality.
SMM refers to the procedures documented by SM.
SMM Update
The update of the manual is to be done periodically and in the following cases:
- organizational or other types changes within the CB;
- non-compliant aspects of the documents, identified based on previously done analysis;
- improvement of the SM, internal audits results and TCISC's activity supervision ;
- intervention in the text of SMM necessary to bring certain corrections and/or additions;
- amendments or updates brought to standards, legislation, etc.
Updates of the SMM should be noted in the „List of registrations" to be filled in by the SM Responsible and approved by the head of CB .Re-approval of the Manual
Re-approval of the SMM is made through its restatement.
New edition of the SMM is issued in case of important amendments and additions affecting 70% of its text.Distribution of the Manual
Distribution of the SMM is made by the SM Responsible. The original copy should be held with the latter
Outdated editions should be withdrawn and destructed, save for the original copy of such outdated edition which should be kept in CB's archive.
Only one authentic copy may be distributed with the CB.The responsible of the System Management (SM) has the following obligations:
- ensures the implementation and maintenance of SM's processes;
- represents Certification Body (CB) in relations with its subcontracting parties in relation to the SM;
- reporting the Head of CB on functioning and needs for improvement of the SM;
- distribution and control over the System Management Manual (SMM);
- drafting and updating the SM-related documents in cooperation with the homogeny products certification experts;
- drafting and submission for approval of the annual internal audits plan;
- coordination and supervision of internal audits results;
- control of the internal audit-related documents;
- coordination of the non-conformity reports drafting, registration and distribution;
- coordination of the activity of control and efficiency improvement of coercive and preventive actions provided by the non-conformity reports;
- drafting and submission for approval by the Head of CB of the annual personnel training plan;
- periodical organization of SM analysis meeting with the head of CB;
- drafting proposal for the necessary coercive and preventive measures improvement;
- drafting the analysis minutes of the SM;
- registration and distribution of the results of the management analysis over the activity of SM.Complaint examination
The registered complaint is transmitted to the designated person / team responsible for the treatment, which first analyzes it to determine whether it relates to the OC PGSP activity.
If the complaint is inappropriate, it is not examined and the complainant is given the appropriate answer in writing or verbal (by phone).
If the complaint is appropriate, it will be reviewed within 30 calendar days of the date of registration.
The designated team consists of 3 members - persons who have not been involved in the activities listed in the complaint or are not the subject of the complaint, namely:
1 member - the OC PGSP management representative;
1 member - MS responsible;
1 member - certification expert or technical expert of OC PGSP.
Before initiating the complaint examination, the responsible person / team signs the Declaration of Confidentiality and Privacy.
The responsible person / team shall examine the subject matter of the complaint, the records and documents relating to the subject matter of the complaint, the views of the parties concerned.
If necessary, the designated person / team may request additional information from the complainant or the OC PGSP to understand the situation in detail and clarify the ambiguities.
All evidence obtained by the responsible person / team during the examination of the complaint, including the arguments for making the conclusions and proposing measures to improve the OC PGSP activity, shall be set out in writing in the Report on the handling of the complaint. Based on this, the responsible person / team prepares the response letter to the complainant.
The head of OC PGSP reviews and approves the Report on the handling of the complaint.
The responsible of the Complaints Register shall make the necessary records and shall send the response letter to the complainant as soon as possible.
The complaint file is kept and archived according to the "Archiving" instruction.Appeals examination
The registered appeal is analyzed by the management to determine whether it relates to certification body OC PGSP activity.
If the appeal relates to direct OС PGSP activities, it must be reviewed within 20 calendar days from the date of registration by the Board of Appeal (BA), which is organized and operates under the BA Regulation.
BA consists of 3 members selected by the head of OC PGSP based on the analysis of competence and qualification criteria and not taking part in making the appeal decision.
The BA meeting is convened on the basis of an order issued by the head of the OC PGSP, within maximum 5 days from the date of the BA appointment.
The SM representative is present at each BA meeting, but is not a member of BA.
BA members examine the subject matter of the appeal, the records and documents relating to the appeal, the views of the interested parties.
In case of necessity, BA may request additional information from the appelant or from the OC PGSP to understand in detail the situation created and to clarify the ambiguities.
All evidence obtained during the examination of the appeal, including the necessary arguments for making conclusions and proposing measures to improve the activity of the OC PGSP, shall be set out in writing in the appeal report, which shall be signed by all the members.
The Conclusion of the BA is adopted by a majority of the members' votes and is a recommendation. The head of OC PGSP takes the final decision on the appeal.
The Conclusion adopted by the Appeal Board and the Final Decision of the head of OC PGSP are recorded in the Register of appeals.
After registering the final decision in the Register of appeals, the BA secretary within 5 days informs the appelant who, in the case of dissatisfaction, can appeal to the competent court.
The appeal file is kept and archived according to the "Archiving" instruction.Certification Body (CB) has and uses for the purposes of its activity external documents (secondary legislation framework).
Such external documents include:
- Laws of the Republic of Moldova;
- Resolutions and Decisions of the Government;
- Technical regulations;- Orders of the relevant ministries;
- Standards;
- Accreditation documents
CB uses the documents which are updated and registered with the DN Fund of the Technical Centre for Industrial Safety and Certification (hereinafter, TCISC).
The update of the DN Fund is done in compliance with SF 38150891-002-2016 "The order of the secondary legislation update".Internal documents
Internal documents include:
In order to ensure the possibility of identification and traceability of the documents, a codification system within the CB has been established.
The codification of the documents is made based on regulation PSM - 01Recording, updating and storage of the internal documents
Recording, updating and storage of the internal documents of the CB is made based on regulation PSM-01
Laws, DN Fund, procedures, instructions, CB regulations, job descriptions should be kept until their replacement with the newly approved documents.
The sets of documentation used as a basis for issuance of the documents and/or final deeds should be kept for a sufficient period of time necessary to demonstrate the continuous confidence in, at least one complete certification cycle.
The access to the documentation is limited, being granted only for the following individuals:
- head of CB;
- experts who have been involved in certification of the products (only in relation to those sets of documentation afferent to the products certified by such expert);
- accreditation authorities evaluators;
- internal auditors.
The liquidation of the sets of documentation following the expiration of the term for their storage is made in compliance with the Order of the head of CB by a commission specifically appointed for these purposes, followed by execution of the Destruction deed.Drafting and management of internal documents
Drafting of the internal regulation documents is done by a working group appointed by the head of CB.
Deputy head is in charge of organization of the process of drafting.
The control over drafting the documents is done:
- preventive control over the draft prior to and following the relevant amendments - is made by the drafting group in cooperation;
- final control prior to the approval of the document is done by the QM Manager (its signature is to be present on the title page);
- approval of the document by the head of the CB.The implementation of the document is confirmed by execution of its title page by the head of CB, together with the specification of the term for implementation, and with the stamp of TCISC.