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    Certificate of accreditation OC PGSP


    Organizational chart of the Certification Body for Products with Potential Hazards



    Address: MD 2001, Republic of Moldova, Chisinau mun., Melestiu str., №. 22A, 3rd floor, tel. 022 208178, e-mail: office@ctsic.md


    The Certification Body for Potentially Hazardous Products (OC PGSP) as part of the Technical Center for Industrial Safety and Certification LLC informs you that from May 25, 2020, some changes were made to the Contract for the Performance of Work on Certification of Products (Chapter 9, Final provisions ", clause 9.2). The amendments relate to the terms of the extension of the contract, namely: "The contract is considered extended on the same terms for the validity period of certificates issued during the term of this contract if none of the parties notifies the other party of at least 30 (thirty) days the intention to review or terminate the contract. "

    For these reasons, the OC PGSP will draw up and conclude the "Additional Agreement No. 4", which contains the nominated amendments, with all clients with existing valid contracts.

    We hope for mutually beneficial collaboration!

    Respectfully, the Head of the OC PGSP N.Manolov, 01/06/2020

    Certification process (extract from General Procedure. Certification for Products with Potential Hazards, PG PGSP)

    The steps of the certification process:
    1. Application - Submission of application and documents attached to the application.
    2. Application review - Before starting the evaluation, the head of the OC PGSP or designated person performs an analysis of the application and designates the expert or team of experts in certification.
    3. Contracting - Certification works start after the bilateral signing of the Contract regarding the execution of the certification works and the order-payment account. OC PGSP calculates the cost of certification work in its entirety or in stages (as the case may be). The client, in turn, transfers a 100% advance on the CTSIC account to perform the works.
    4. Review - The expert appointed to carry out the product certification work draws up a plan for the review activities.
    The head of the OC PGSP or designated person approves the Evaluation Plan.
    The evaluation works is initiated with the opening meeting.
    5. Identification of products - In the identification process it is checked the conformity of the product submitted to the certification with the information indicated in the technical documentation and the supporting product documentation. During the identification, the storage conditions, the environment, etc. are checked.
    6. Sampling - Simultaneously with identification, the expert takes the sampling. The samples can be taken from transport units, from storage sites or from installation sites. Sampling is carried out by the expert in the presence of the customer representative. Samples taken are sealed and labeled (if necessary).
    The evaluation process ends with the closing meeting.
    The samples are transmitted in the testing laboratory together with the test program, approved by the head of the OC PGSP.
    7. Laboratory tests - Tests shall be carried out by accredited and recognized laboratories.
    On the basis of the results obtained, the testing laboratory prepares the test report.
    8. Analysis of the test report - The OC PGSP expert performs the analysis of the test reports. The positive results of the test report analysis are the basis for the preparation of the Evaluation Report.
    9. Recognition of other countries certificates of conformity - OC PGSP recognizes certificates of conformity (CC) and / or test reports (TR) issued by conformity assessment bodies notified and accredited by Accreditation Bodies of the Multilateral Recognition Agreement with the European Cooperation for Accreditation, issued for products imported from the Member States of the European Union, translated into the Romanian language and confirmed by the specimen of the importer's stamp.
    Similarly, CC and TR issued by foreign conformity assessment bodies are recognized on the basis of bilateral mutual recognition agreements for conformity assessment activities.
    OC PGSP performs product identification, analysis of the Test Report (as applicable) with the preparation of the respective records and informs the client of the decision to issue the national CC.
    Recognition of CC is done by releasing a new CC by OC PGSP.
    10. Review Report - The results of all evaluation activities are documented.
    Upon completion of the work, the designated expert shall prepare the assessment report based on objective evidence obtained in the conformity assessment process.
    11. Analysis - Analysis of all review information and results is carried out by the Technical Committee composed of the relevant technical experts in the specific field who have not been involved in the review process and the heads of the relevant departments.
    After analyzing all the information and review results, the Technical Committee recommends approving the decision to issue or the refusal to issue the certificate.
    12. Certification Decision - OC PGSP is responsible and retains authority for its certification decisions. The decision to issue the certificate or to refuse to issue it shall be taken by the head of OC PGSP or by the designated person on the basis of all information related to the assessment, analysis and any other relevant information.
    13. Certification documentation (certificate) - The document that confirm the product's conformity with the specified requirements are the certificate.
    The certificates issued by the OC PGSP are the main document confirming the compliance of the products with the normative documents requirements.
    Products subject to certification in the regulated field, until placed on the market and / or until use, must be marked by the manufacturer with the SM conformity mark, if the technical regulation provides for such marking. Marking the product with the SM conformity mark indicates its conformity with the essential requirements set out in the applicable technical regulation.
    The SM mark of conformity applies, according to the technical regulations applicable to the product, directly on the product, on its packaging, on the documents supporting the product and / or on a marking board attached to the product so that it can not be detached. Stamped mark should be visible and resistant to abrasion.
    The right to sign the certificates is held by the head of the OC PGSP or a designated person. 

    Historical background of the Certification Body (OC PGSP)

    Certification Body within the Technical Centre for Industrial Safety and Certification was established in 1996 based on the order of the "Standardization, Metrology and Technical Supervision Department".

    Based on internal regulations and the organizational structure of the Centre, the following branches of the certification and supervision section have been established:  
    - petroleum products certification branch;
    - elevation equipment and equipment under pressure certification branch;
    - gas-related equipment and liquid gas certification branch;
    - mineral fertilizers and pesticides certification branch;
    - chemical products certification branch;
    - welding apparatus and equipment certification branch;
    - solid fuel certification branch;
    - electric products certification branch;
    - primary electricity sources equipment certification branch;
    - conformity assessment group.

    In order to maintain high skills and efficiency of the certification works, TCISC's administration undertook to select skilled personnel compliant with the internal requirements.  
    In December 1998, as part of transformation process, "Center for Technical Expertise" was renamed in the "National Agency for Technical Supervision" which continued to include the Certification Body that have been accredited, in May 1998, to certify the objects with potential hazards, products and production processes 
    In August 2005 the "National Agency for Technical Supervision" was transformed and re-registered as the "Technical Center for Industrial Safety and Certification". During this period Certification Body TCISC, as a result of the abovementioned amendments was named "Certification Body for products with potential hazards". Certification Body TCISC periodically undergoes the re-accreditation process.  
    In October 2007, Certification Body has extended its area of activity by setting-up a new branch - weapons, other relevant assets and pyrotechnic products certification. During its activity, the Certification Body has implemented and certified its Quality Management System that improved the level of services and performance indicators related to the services rendered to economic agents, compliant with the requirements provided by the normative documentation. 

    01.08.2018 - Reorganization of the State Enterprise "Technical Center for Industrial Safety and Certification" in the Limited Liability Company "Technical Center for Industrial Safety and Certification" has been completed.