04.03.2019 9979 Views
Maintaining the recognition of national accreditations at European level
In order to carry out the evaluation program of the European Accreditation Cooperation (EA), the National Center for Accreditation was evaluated by the representatives of EA, which are members of the national accreditation bodies of the European Community countries, from February 15 to February 22, 2019.
Its main objective was to assess the continued compliance of MOLDAC, as an EA Member, with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 and the requirements of ISO / IEC 17011: 2017.
As a result of the assessment, the representatives of the EA did not find any inconsistencies in the accreditation process of MOLDAC noting, that MOLDAC implemented a strict and effective risk management system.
In this way, MOLDAC, from the initial evaluations, continued to develop and improve its internal systems and procedures, confirming recognition of the following accreditation schemes:
- Testing and calibration - in accordance with ISO / IEC 17025
- Medical tests - in accordance with ISO 15189
- Inspections - in accordance with ISO / IEC 17020
- Product certification - in accordance with ISO / IEC 17065
- Certification of management systems - in accordance with ISO / IEC 17021-1.On this occasion, the administration and the entire CTSIC team sincerely congratulate you on this outstanding achievement!